When dealing with women within a team environment, feelings are often a hot topic. We women can be emotional or sensitive based on how we feel. It is so vital to every coach, captain or leader to know how their team feels, addressing any negative feelings promptly and keeping high positive energy in the locker room.
As a player and now a coach of the game, the season goes on six months and with 12 or so different people so many things can either pull you a part or pull you together. During the course of a season, someone on your team may deal with a death in their family, someone's parents may be going through a divorce or someone on the team may encounter a physical injury that would stop them from playing the game they love. All of these events can effect people and how they feel during the difficult time of their life. We as coaches can either teach our players to use these situations as reasons to lash out, or take away from the team's energy level; or we can teach our players to build a support system around one another to pull through the tough times. We teach our players to recognize when a teammate is down and give them a hug of encouragement. One thing we preach to our team is they may not always like one another or dislike someone's action, but we are family.
Feelings vs. Facts
One of the main teaching points is becoming aware of the facts of the situation and voicing feelings with respect. We believe there is power in someone (respectfully) voicing their feelings because we should care how we make someone else feel. Yet once the feelings are spoken and out on the table, the facts must be addressed. The bottom line is decisions must be made based on facts regardless of how we feel. Just like coaches tell our players all the time, you can't play basketball only when you "feel" like it. The same thing applies to everyday life. If we only work when we feel like it, we would not be very productive.
In conclusion, an activity that could start the dialogue in your locker room is the feeling test. Buy some emoji stickers with a bunch of different emotions from happy, sad, in love to angry and put them in the locker room. Ask your players to put the sticker that describes how they feel the most on their jersey. Before practice have a group talk about how everyone feels and allow them to recognize each person's feelings. This small and inexpensive activity helps create awareness and allows you as a coach to know the pulse of your team so you can stay as productive as possible.
Kevin and Brenita Jackson are a husband and wife team who work together to offer coaching in sports, business and life. KBJ believes in empowering people to win in their mind, body and spirit!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Mix It Up!
Every now and then it's important to have a change of scenery, equipment or something just completely out the box with your workouts. Mix it up every now and then to keep it fresh and fun! Whether you are a coach designing the workout or a player working out on your own, you can get bored with doing the same old routine.
One thing we tried recently that our players really enjoyed was taking our conditioning and yoga workout to the beach. It was free, fun and the players felt like they were just having some fun. It was also great team bonding that we needed heading into October! Get creative and make sure you keep those workouts fresh and fun!!!
One thing we tried recently that our players really enjoyed was taking our conditioning and yoga workout to the beach. It was free, fun and the players felt like they were just having some fun. It was also great team bonding that we needed heading into October! Get creative and make sure you keep those workouts fresh and fun!!!
Beach Work Out
Monday, October 6, 2014
Team Camaraderie
is the spirit of good fellowship. It’s the mutual trust and friendship that
emerges among people who spend a lot of time together. The importance of camaraderie in a sports
locker room or act of play is significant. No matter what kind of team sport it may be, a
united dressing room or environment is indicative of a team that will function more
effectively than one where players are bickering or feuding. Teams often take
measures to ensure that players have the opportunity to develop camaraderie.
For example, during a long road trip, teams are often encouraged to dine
together, particularly early in the season when not every player is familiar
with their teammates. Teamwork on the court or field also leads to stronger
relationships. Using a hockey example, football offensive linemen must spend plenty of time
together formulating game run and pass block strategies, then executing them on the on the field. This time
spent together can help build stronger relationships away from the away from football.
Over the course of a season, athletes will
experience periods of success and periods of failure. A group of players with a
strong sense of camaraderie will be able to provide those in a slump with the
support necessary to help snap out of it when adversity comes. This is done through regular
encouragement during games and practices, and can extend to off-the-field or
court gestures, as well. Why do you see different teams with special team
slogans or team rituals they do before practice or games or just in general?
It’s the perfect way to build team camaraderie and doing these kinds of things
gives each team member an individual sense of ownership over the common team
goal they are trying to reach and also provides the motivation to stand by one
another in tough times.
Great teams make an attempt to be on the same page.
Great teams are there for one another in times of need. Great teams push harder
when adversity comes along. Great teams never hang their heads. Great teams
will respect each other and respect the game they play. Lastly, great teams want
to do everything they can to be defined as GREAT
and that’s CAMARADERIE!
Team Building
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
The definition of Swish is; sink (a shot) without the ball touching the backboard or rim.
The crowd and even players seem to go wild all the time when a player shoots the ball and it goes swish; straight into the net, no backboard and no rim. Now just think, how did that shot go swish? The shot went swish because of the work ethic and practice of form shooting the player has done to perfect great shooting efficiency. A lot of players and fans want to see the results of the swish shot but don't really understand the process that goes into that kind of shooting, especially players. One would ask, how do I get that kind of efficiency? Here are a few tips:
1. You have to have a strong work ethic and a high motivation to get better.
2. You have to really think about the process of shooting rather than the results all the time. The process includes: Squaring up to the goal, bent knee position, elbows tucked in, ball in the pocket of your shooting hand, jumping up into your shot releasing the ball at it's highest peak, follow through with your elbows above your eyelids, and flick your wrist.
3. Practice tip #2 over and over and over again! You have to practice #2 even when you are laying down in your bed without a basketball.
4. You have to make it a goal to make, not shoot, but to make at least 100 jump shots a day which would be a minimum. Also, your last shot of the day, has to be a make so you can finish on good and positive note; Confidence Builder!
Coaches, make sure you are encouraging your players to concentrate on the process to get the results they are looking for and players, listen to your coaches when this encouragement comes. It's always a great feeling to see a player working hard on their skills and they start getting the production they are seeking due to the process they stick to. As for shooting, or being a great shooter to start swishing some shots; it all boils down to are you going to be just a shooter or a maker? Makers get Swishes!!
Team Building
Saturday, August 9, 2014
The Locker Room
Definition: The place where players and coaches meet to discuss game plans, strategies and scouting reports; also known as the place where athletes get dressed and prepare for games/practices; a meeting place for teams.

We all know what a locker room was originally designed for. A private place for a team to come together, prepare and bond. As a player - it was a place where we would come to hang out in between classes. It was a safe place to crack jokes on each other or confess secrets that nobody but a sister would understand. My sisters were there for me, they called me out for not being there on help-side or they congratulated me for hitting a game winning shot in the locker room. We would turn on our favorite song and dance until we laughed and the stress was no longer on our mind. We could say whatever we wanted in the locker room and there would be no judging or repeating to people outside of the locker room. It was one of my favorite places to go and clear my mind.
As a coach have you ever thought about the value of the "locker room" to your players? Why? -- You want the locker room to be a place your players feel a sense of ownership and safe. Its where you come for pregame, halftime and post game discussions.
Here are a few ideas to create a comfortable, safe and fun locker room for your team:
- Music - Have a place where players can plug in an ipod or listen to some sort of music. Music can help player set the tone for practice or games. Let the music be their choice so that it is something they relate to. Based on your school's policies, they may not be able to listen to any kind of music during pre-game warm ups out of respect for the crowd, but the locker room is theirs! Let them play whatever they need to get ready for the task at hand.
- Motivation - Hang posters or paint inspiring words, favorite quotes or scriptures so that players read them on a daily basis. This is a sub-conscious way to reinforce the culture you want to create and keep players engaged mentally.
- Memories - Hang pictures of the team from some of their favorite moments such as a thrilling overtime win or a trip to the beach your team took. Seeing pictures of the "family" is a great way to help them overcome adversity. When things get tough and they get mad at their sister (which is natural) you can remind them to stay together. Or you could have trophies or awards won hanging in there as motivation for players to strive towards reaching again. Everyday when they come into practice it may also start some dialogue for players to work hard so they can reach their common goals -- to win!
Team Building
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Get in the Gym
Join us in motivating players to get in the gym to improve their game! The ultimate goal in our game is to score more points than the opponent in order to win. So we have to get in the gym and shoot! Work on all areas of your game but never leave the gym without practicing some form of shooting!!! Players can prove their commitment to winning by getting in the gym....coaches can meet them half way by making themselves available to them. Together we can commit to growing our game! #GetInTheGym #KBJAcademy
Team Building
Thursday, July 31, 2014
"The Bench"
Coaches, what are the mindsets of your players on the bench during the course of a game? Most coaches out there all have rules for their bench or bench protocol during games but do your players really understand the bench and what great insight they can learn about themselves and the game on the bench? Some players who either start the game on the bench or come out the game to the bench by the coach sometimes get down on themselves or get mad about being on the bench. If players thought of the bench during a basketball game as a front row seat up close and personal to the action on the floor and they could analyze what their teammates and opponents are doing during the game to help them be productive for the team according to their coaches game plan then they would feel different about the Bench.
Here are a few tips you can give your players to grab ahold to while they are on the bench to get a new perspective about the bench:
1. You get to see the mistakes that are going on in the game so you will know not to make the same mistake when you get in the game.
2. You get to see all the positive things going on during the game to build on for your team when you get into the game.
3. You get to see everything different your opponent is doing on the floor that maybe your team didn't see during film session and get the inside adjustments that are going to be made against them to help the team when you get in the game.
Keep in mind coaches, players need to understand that the Bench is a vital part to the game of basketball and their team's success. The bench can be a momentum changer and the ultimate real life action packed classroom to better players IQ in the game and it's our job to make our teams complete and the Bench is part of it.
Team Building
Thursday, July 3, 2014
How to stay MOTIVATED?
It's hardly a secret that a key to successfully accomplishing one goal after another is staying motivated. There are task that you may not like at all, yet you find motivation to complete them because you recognize how each particular task serves a greater goal. How exactly do some of us manage to stay motivated to finish the task we start? Here is just a few ideas you can try:
1) Find the good reason
Any goals you have no matter how simple some may be has good reason behind it. Find what that is and think of it everytime you are doing tasks to reach your goals.
2) Make it fun
When it comes to motivation, attitude is everything. Some tasks are more fun than others as we all know. The tasks you have to complete to reach your goals that are not as fun, you have to make them fun. Think of how you can enjoy the tasks you are doing. Also, think, how you can make the tasks the best part of your day.
3) Take a different approach
You always want to have different approaches to how you are going to reach your goals. You want to have backup plans because if one plan does not work out, you have a different route to pursue your goal and you stay motivated rather than letting a down fall still your motivation.
4) Recognize your progress
Put your goals in stages so when you reach a certain stage you see progression and that will help you stay motivated.
5) Reward yourself
Get yourself a gift of achievement! Nothing feels better than when you reach your goals and then receive a reward. That will for sure motivate anyone to go for another one.
KBJ Academy,
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Goal Setting
Why set goals?
Without goals, one can lack purpose and direction and eventually lose motivation. Setting goals can drive someone to be ambitious to achieve desires. Accomplishing certain goals will give confidence to reach even higher in the future.
Goals are a form of motivation that sets the standard for self-satisfaction with performance. Achieving the goal one has set for oneself is a measure of success, and being able to meet job challenges is a way one measures success in the workplace. It has been said that "Goal setting capitalizes on the human brain's amazing powers: Our brains are problem-solving, goal-achieving machines.
Without goals, one can lack purpose and direction and eventually lose motivation. Setting goals can drive someone to be ambitious to achieve desires. Accomplishing certain goals will give confidence to reach even higher in the future.
Goal setting involves establishing specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and time-targeted (S.M.A.R.T ) goals. Work on
the theory of goal-setting suggests that an effective tool for making progress
is to ensure that participants in a group with a common goal are clearly aware
of what is expected from them. On a personal level, setting goals helps people
work towards their own objectives most commonly with financial or career-based
Goal setting features as a major component of personal development.
Goal setting features as a major component of personal development.
Studies have shown that specific and ambitious goals
lead to a higher level of performance than easy or general goals. As long as
the individual accepts the goal, has the ability to attain it, and does not
have conflicting goals, there is a positive linear relationship between goal
difficulty and task performance.
Goals are a form of motivation that sets the standard for self-satisfaction with performance. Achieving the goal one has set for oneself is a measure of success, and being able to meet job challenges is a way one measures success in the workplace. It has been said that "Goal setting capitalizes on the human brain's amazing powers: Our brains are problem-solving, goal-achieving machines.
goals affects outcomes in four ways:
1. Choice:
goals narrow attention and direct efforts to goal-relevant activities, and away
from perceived undesirable and goal-irrelevant actions.
2. Effort:
goals can lead to more effort; for example, if one typically produces 4 widgets
an hour, and has the goal of producing 6, one may work more intensely towards
the goal than one would otherwise.
3. Persistence:
someone becomes more prone to work through setbacks if pursuing a goal.
4. Cognition:
goals can lead individuals to develop and change their behavior.
When you've achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy
the satisfaction of having done so. Absorb the implications of the goal
achievement, and observe the progress that you've made towards other goals. If
the goal was a significant one, reward yourself appropriately. All of this
helps you build the self-confidence you deserve.
Team Building
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