Wednesday, May 1, 2019

It’s time to be intentional about TEAM Building!

Who have you trusted with your dreams and goals?  Are they FOR you?  Have they been where you are trying to go and willing to help you get there?

Surround yourself with a TEAM!

When we take ownership of our surroundings, we can change things.  We can position ourselves for success.  Here are some quick tips to reach those goals you set long ago, tried and never quite finished....the goals you thought about, but dared not to tell anyone:

1. Go back to the place where you were able to dream.
2. Forgive yourself for not being where you thought you would be by now.
3. Forgive whoever hurt you or mis-guided you....Press the RESET button.
4. Write down your goals and make the VISION plain.
5. Surround yourself with a TEAM that can get you to these goals.

Sometimes we are surrounded by sweet people or we have friends that love something about us, but they have no personal interest in our success.  People who are FOR US will not let the dream die without seeing it come to pass.  People who are truly on our TEAM will encourage us, correct us and remind us of those goals we set and continue to support us in the highs and lows of life.  The TEAM doesn’t have to be BIG for you to accomplish your goals, but the TEAM should be engaged and invested in our VISION.

We have spent the last 12 years coaching and training young men and women from all over the world to reach their goals.  We listen to their dreams and their aspirations and we give them practical tools to reach their goals.  We may have only coached them for a season, but we were able to instill some lifelong lessons that have carried them beyond sports.

Take some time to evaluate your TEAM and find people that will PUSH you forward to WIN!  Winners surround themselves by winners.  We cannot WIN surrounded by losing mindsets, losing morals or losing conversations.  Cut the ties and consider the cost of your dream.  The vision will cost you sometimes but people on your TEAM are willing to invest in YOU!  Enjoy this blog post and don’t forget to share KBJ Academy with somebody you know. #KBJAcademy #TEAMBuilding